Well first, I`m wishing all my friends and family all around the globe a Very Happy New Year and lets hope its a good one!
I do not know about you but I`m happy to see the last of 2008,it seems to have been a bad year for alot of my friends,been taken ill. Thinking of Glee especially whom I`m happy to say will soon be home if everything goes to plan and knowing Glee it will...........
To Liv , special hugs and prayers for you dear friend............
especially Beverley Todd`s family my heart goes out to you at this sad and tragic Time in your lives,Beverley will be know by lots of you who visit different boards ,very talented scrapper and card maker and Design team member who was taken ill on the 23rd of December with a Brain bleed and passed away on the 24Th December,she had just turned 40 this year and leaves a family youngest been only 4.She will be sadly missed..............
To the families whom have loved ones in the forces who are away,let hope they are home real soon,for those whom have been injured/killed in action " they are all our hero`s",
So I will just be having a nice Day with Dinner and a little bit of time for reflection on the year just gone,and hoping this New One whilst I know it will not be good with the economy been like it is,maybe its a good thing and bring families closer together and back to the good old days of home cooking and the baking days which we had when I was a kid all them years ago ,oh we had so much fun and the silly games we played. So long as you have a roof over your head and the rent/mortgage etc are paid,that's all that matter`s, and you have each other
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Happy New Year
Posted by rose at 06:13 5 comments
oh another surprise
oh yes what a great surprise to recieve this blogger award from a very dear blog friend Liv.
Wasn't this ever so nice of her? She's such a darling lady and through all this year she has had a really rough time with her DD been so ill,someday`s I do not know how she copes with it all ,but she does which reminds me of " it takes a special person to be a mother" and Liv is one special person indeed
Now, I must list 6 things that make me happy and six bloggers to make them happy!
1] watching my darling Son growing up,making me laugh at the silly little things he says and does .
2] to be up to my eyeballs in wonderful scrap supplies and especially lace and papers and vintage finds .
3] Just to be so thankful I`m on this earth and though I complain some days I have no reason to I have everything, all my limbs,my eyes and food on my plate everyday .
4] To have so many wonderful blog friends all around the world,all so very special to me.
5] ROFL!! for the internet, wow what would we do with out it.
6] To be thankful to Mum & Dad whom moulded me into the person I have become and brought me up so well, boy I miss my mum everyday but know she is watching over me and mine.
Now I need to send to ^ blogging friends so here goes
Posted by rose at 02:30 4 comments
Saturday, 27 December 2008
another one over!
Well another christmas over,Hope you all had a wonderful time with family,we just had a quiet one,but plenty of mess and toys to find new homes for this is DS with one of his many toys, trash team and wow does this make a noise he loves it. We did not do to bad he woke at 8.20 am, all excited noticed the key at the side of his bed, running around yelling he`s been, he`s been ,and then peeping downstairs yelling again and then he disappeared opening things,so funny and pretty cool he was more in tune with it this year. I spent a good few hours putting things together for him I hate doing this you spend all that money on things only to find it takes a good few hours assembling everything
Posted by rose at 13:38 4 comments
Monday, 22 December 2008
2 more sleeps until the big day
Posted by rose at 09:33 3 comments
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
oh sick of been sick!

Posted by rose at 14:15 13 comments
Saturday, 22 November 2008
the holly and the stickles
this is one of the little projects I wanted started and finished I used the cricut christmas cheer cartridge and cut two different sizes of holly and berries and then creased the holly . Then decided to add stickles to random edges of the leaves,this was done when I should have been asleep so these layed at my bedside overnight to dry. Then I just threw everything in a box and leaves were layered up at random on to the circle I had covered,starting from the outer edge working in, I used silicone glue to give it a 3D dimension,but you could achieve this using different sizes of foam pads or depth of glue. Then the berries got a covering of candy cane red stickles and again these were just applied at random and the ribbon finished it off
TIP: punch your hole for hanging before you start layering up I did it with the cropadile and used an eylet and ran the chiffon ribbon through for hanging so much easier than doing it afterwards!!!
I`m still wondering if to give this a coat of modge podge or other sealer..... Well I have finished another little thing I was giving a test run
and must say it worked so simple and fast that I just went with the flow and happy how this one turned out also, will show later and well thats 2 down and how many to go!! trouble is the faster I clear the more I think to try....... I have not been to good last few days some Virus going about decided to hit me,but today I feel a little better
Well we are promised some of the white stuff this weekend and when I was out tonight with my DS ,we saw some of the white stuff they promised, it is so chilly and tomorrow I have no plans at going out at all
have a good weekend............
Posted by rose at 14:38 9 comments
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Well I was going to post a couple of items I have finished ,but it will wait until tomorrow. its a cold day today and really just need to take this time
to wish Glee a very good friend a fast and speedy recovery, Glee thought she had flu and it has turned out to be pneumonia and a few complications is currently in the ICU unit on a respirator though Glee been a born fighter will pull through this I just want to pray for Glee and the darling husband and family ,wow Glee has a heart of Gold,so my blog friends please take time to visit Glee`s blog here and leave her good wishes
that`s it for today just prayers for my Queen with a heart of Gold.........
Posted by rose at 03:09 6 comments
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
This is my take on Di Hickman`s sketch Nov ~#1 I loved trying this
you can find it here I loved this high quality double sided paper from Graphic 45,some lace from my stash ,corsage pin and pearl brad with prima flower behind it,the rub on is one I had not sure of manufacturer of it sorry!!
Well after running around like a headless chicken yesterday I so needed to make something,honest I never stopped yesterday and then had school meeting to go to,I feel sort of icky today but think it might have been the Big LACK of coffeee I crave daily lol!! honest I could not survive without my coffee.......................................
I have now gotten things/ideas wazzed around,but still find my self laying awake at night to fill the inner void with something else,I think I might have to write them down or do a sketch. I did finish the big piece of work and done a few smaller ones, but off to go try another idea I have will it work!!?........... don`t ask me I`m going to give it a go though I`m in recycling mode lol...........Posted by rose at 10:06 5 comments
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
11th,day of the 11th hour,of the 11th Month
We are Dead. Short days ago We lived,
Take up your quarrel with the foe;
Posted by rose at 14:57 1 comments
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Sunday peeps
Posted by rose at 10:02 5 comments
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Pumpkin Patch
DS and his cousin on the trailer we travelled on to the pumkins patch,which they thought was great we sat on bails of straw and this had us in fits of laughter,a lady on the trailer ,did not like all the divets we kept going down and at one point the trailer skids ,well she kept letting out all these screams and noise`s all the kids faces ,well just a picture wondering what this lady was yelling out out....
well I need to get dinner sorted,but need to show these..............
Posted by rose at 10:26 4 comments
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Tuesday 4th November
Posted by rose at 10:15 6 comments
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Oh I can now share the layout I had published in the scrapbook news & reviews seeing my agreement has cleared the dates, this was my first ever published pieces and I was jumping with joy when I got the e-mail,but when I looked again I thought someone was pulling my leg then I got the contract through to sign so I then knew it was cosha!
this was just plain white card and hand cut scalloping and a technique tuesday stamp used for the flowers the dots were all done using stickles and it took time,abit of faux stitching and my DS in special care unit
Wow this week is travelling fast,so far pumpkin patch has been [post piccies later] we had such a laugh and tears of laughter rolling down my face a somethings,DS and my niece enjoyed it, we had tractor trailer ride to the muddy patch I should have wore my wellies instead of good leather kid boots .
Well going to do something and post later and will try to keep up to speed after the school half term is so hard,blogging,forms.creating ugh technology has alot to answer for...............
Posted by rose at 11:31 10 comments
Monday, 13 October 2008
Oh well what a beautiful weekend we have had sunny and today more sun pretty good for october. Well not done to much made this card with a new stamp I recieved love this image and kept it pretty plain using brown/black ink ,bit of lace from the stash and a bit of vintage music for the embellishment.
Well today done the school bit,rushing off to a meeting soon, and looking pretty good this week one appointment for tomorrow and might get something done Pretty glad about it because the last few weeks I have just been running around like an headless chicken
Next week will come quick and then its a week off , half term and going to take the little man to one of the pumpkin patches oh then it will be carving time with him. I cannot stand the smell of pumpkin it makes me go green lol!!! oh well its fun for the little guy..........
enjoy your day and thanks for visiting..........
Posted by rose at 05:42 8 comments
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Well its a nice day,but has a nip in the air and so looking forward to tomorrow ready for the weekend
Well this is the same card I made with the Crafty secrets seasonal booklet love the image Supplies: image crafty secrets seasonal booklet: orange cardstock: patterened paper crafty secrets radiant pad
orange vellum & brads and little orange organza ribbon and orange stickles
Yes you are not seeing double at all I did this and when I photographed it something was missing,yes ribbon it had been in my head to do but I forgot so , I think you will agree it looks nicer with a bit of ribbon.
Well hallowen projects are everywhere on the internet,block land .
Well its not really a to bigger deal over here,but it has started beginning to be more popular past few years. I never get any at my door because nobody likes walking down to the end of my house its is dark and trees and spooky I call it "Black hole of calcutta" even my family the big uns ring to say they are going to call so I can keep a look out,so only the brave venture down this far lol!!!! My DS is only 5 so do not think he has clicked onto the trick or treat yet he probably will when Iam on a zimmer frame rofl!!
well hope you are all creating, I have not done to much but playing and experimenting with a few ideas
Have a great Day. Late post I know but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Vicki C glad
you had a great day
Posted by rose at 05:20 7 comments
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Well another card made using the Fab Journalling pad from crafty secrets Heartwarming vintage
I love these pads and it is so hard to cut them,well I dont want to part with them ROFL!! well i keep telling myself ,,you can buy another pad,so now convinced myself its just fine to cut them!!!!!
Supplies:sewing machine:image; craft secrets:lace and ribbon from my stash; papers : Anna Griffin
This patterned paper is so not me but after abit of angling and sewing it has grown on me and pleased how it turned out........
Well figuring I might take covers off my suite and wash them I go ahead and do it everything is fine get all dried and back on except the back cushions,well after ages trying to get one back I just gave in or more so caved in, so after retiring to bed it was not a crafty idea that came to me ,it was how on earth I`m I going to get these things back on..... well after laying awake thinking with an idea I put into practice my thoughts,so armed with a big plastic bin liner thought um here goes supplies needs: one vacumn with hose,one kid to turn on and off the machine and one plastic bag. so in cushion goes making a note of where the sticking out bit is so I get it the correct way when it goes in, right after sticking cushion in bag twist the hose around the bag and then keep a tight hold of this twist ,kid turn vac on ,suck the air out and compression the filler ,right off with vac and rush to get this in the cover and gets half in and i can here sssssssh rushing to get has much as I could in wow the air is coming out quick,well what a relief now to get the bag out I made sure my twisted part went to the top so now it was a case of get the bag out ,easy peasy with a little here and there,then the 2nd one who its getting easier....... well I managed it all hooray..... But what I do wonder is HOW do they get them in at the manufacturers anyone know !!?....... So my brainwave worked
Well going to go and do a card or something crafty after a coffee, and my hand is doing alot better,its bending but is so very sore & inflammed see specialist in a week again so maybe I will find out if ulta sounds is a go or no go again,wish it would just go overnight....
thanks for visiting................
Posted by rose at 05:31 4 comments
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Thurdsay 2nd october
Well this is a christmas card based on the sketch by Di Hickman and must say I really enjoyed working these colors/colours the darling image is from the new Christmas Images & journal pad from craft secrets
The papers are bazzill bling ivory and Anna Griffin patterned paper,rubber stamps are technique Tuesday and some velvet ribbon from the my stash and color box ink. Don`t you just love it getting in the mood to make christmas Cards,well I will keep it up now because last year I was caught out and had 50 to make the night before christmas eve never again I was so christmas card burnt out and could not have managed to make anymore..................... nor wanting to see one lol!!!
Posted by rose at 11:57 6 comments
Sunday, 28 September 2008
little folder booklet
Posted by rose at 06:17 7 comments
Friday, 26 September 2008
well I managed a bit
Posted by rose at 02:08 7 comments
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Oh well first I must tell you about the big closeout sale over here at Kt Crafts,Kelly the store owner is re-locating to new premises and rather than move the big stocks has decided it will be much easier to sell off at 60-80% and then re stock with lots of new goodies. So seeing I have not managed much in the way of creating, I have to hold my hand up to spending here on goodies, I keep adding but Kelly does know Iam weak when it comes to will power on new supplies[think I have a permanent box in the corner of the store lol!!] and honestly Its worth a visit ,it is not old stocks either,cuttlebug embossing folders,papers KI memories die cuts,fancy pants,senic route to many to list at giveaway prices. Further more on the homepage you will find a discount code GRKT115 to use this gives you another 15% off,yes you heard correct. Kelly ships worldwide to!!!
Well I was at the hospital and so pleased the removed the splint,oh and talk about my hand been swollen,I had not noticed at all!! I was told to go careful and guess what I did went shopping! and yes carrier bag heavy took my hand down with the weight and oh grief!!!! the pain I was in tears
my Son said take a painkiller,oh if only they worked! well back at the specialist in 2 weeks,to be honest I dont think they know what I have done
But I can tell you I wont be flicking any midge like flies again!
On a good note I have managed a card today,bits were eay but then when it came to brads etc grrrrr the time it took me compared to normally. I also started a little something off, but itching to start something big but I just cannot handle much weight at all..
well I think Iam going to head of blog looking............
Posted by rose at 15:04 3 comments
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
oh time flys
#well I cannot believe how the months are rattling by,harvest is well on the way they are working in the dark with them lights they use getting rest of harvest done when I see this I automatically think october-hallowen
I would say the last few days been pretty pleasant but today ouch nip in the arm and my feet are cold so it looks like birkenstocks will be getting demoted and time for my winter sloppy ankle furry boots to pld around the house in!! oh and did put the fire on for a few hours,but held back on the central heating,even though I know some have put it on!
Well Iam still waiting for specialist and other things for the hand,its so painful and just wish I could stretch that thumb and index and little finger just so they were longer than the middle its so darn frustrating just not been able to manage things,but Iam such an impatient monster I feel like Iam been held back from doing stuff,always on the go thats me and having to rely on the other half to peel veg etc,well just dont go there!! today I said if you can just do the carrots,tatties,onion etc peel and wash I maybe could manage the rest by one hand and if not my machine could
sat here still waiting 6 hours after asking..............I was thinking should I ask him to help cut some card down I want and help me but ohhhh men!!
Posted by rose at 10:18 5 comments
Friday, 12 September 2008
Bad blogger,yes thats me!
Oh well what happens when I`am feeling creative,I go and flick a fly off the end of my finger the size of a midge dead which freeked my DS out when he was havin a bath,yes I repeat flick it and then I`am in total pain cannot bend my finger and kept trying,well the pain was getting bad and my threshold is high... then half hour later I feel quite sick with the pain so off to A&E something is wrong so 3 hours later after lots of prodding and poking and pain relief I have my finger in a metal splint!! wonderful this is to stop me bending it,well it has done that alright ,more scared someone sues me if I poke them with this thing on my middle finger!!! awaiting now to see some specialist at the hospital they think I have torn the fibres to the ligaments or ruptered the ligament I think I`am more shocked a simple manover can cause such an injury much to the A&E amusement when explained how it happened
So now I have one hand to function and a thumb and little finger everyday mundane tasks are proving so difficult so crafting/scrapping is going to be very,very difficult I need to make a card but wondering how I can manage it .............. oh bother.........
On a good note my niece gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl[amelia-fay] and boy has she got a set of lungs already, just so pleased both healthy and safe............
I`am going now one finger tapping on keyboard is not for me.............
Posted by rose at 01:30 3 comments
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Blog award
yesterday I was given this blog award by my friend Elisabeth
thanks so much!
Here are the rules:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the person you’ve nominated.
Now this is going to be hard seeing this has gone to quite a few of my friends and 7 wow here goes!!!!
2-Liv3- Maricel
6- Marg & Sarah
These girls do some amazing work so go hop over and take a look at there blogs
I can assure you I`m working on a few things I should get up loaded this week. Took a little trip out and ended up with more ribbon & Lace fatal with me! I just cannot believe we are nearing the end of August were did summer go!
Oh and to my good friend Glee you get that eye rested in that darkened room,Glee had surgery today and fingers crossed all went well,so prayers for Glee please!
Posted by rose at 14:39 7 comments
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
little coaster
This was a challenge to create a mini coaster album.yeah me no coaster`s did not fancy a trip to the pub to borrow some beer mats lol!!but have plenty of chip ,grief I cut all by hand 4" x 4" then my corner rounder would not take the chip so armed with my BG file set set about rounding the corners phew glad when it was over and I could get to work with my papers I just had to choose my Jenni Bowlin papers,just simply adore this range . I used quite a few products on this, Crafty Secrets Heart warming acrylic Stamps,Tim holtz inks,glimmer mist,Bazzil papers and some ribbons/lace from the never ending stash and good old rough hand journalling [not my best] but I like how it turned out with all family thrown in here and there. It hangs on my hanger at the moment,but I might give it to my Aunt..........
Posted by rose at 11:40 7 comments
Saturday, 23 August 2008
oh will someone give me a shove or sent some mojo vibes my way!!
I have plenty of things to post up on recent jaunt`s,some really wonderful places and will try do it over next few days!
Iam just havin so much trouble getting my brain in any sort of working order,what have I got! scrappers block! surrounded by so much paper and bits and pieces I ask myself how is it possible!
I think I might have to run around the block,kick a tree! scream ! see if that brings anything out,my head feels ready to explode ,yes I have it crammed with idea`s, so is it scrapper block or me depleted of energy !!??
Posted by rose at 17:08 3 comments
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
one of them days!
Well I seem to be having on of those Days wanting to do something ,but neither finding the mojo or energy to do anything,I did have a fairly rough night and DS has been a little terror today bouncing off the walls
Mind you been stuck in for most part of the day has not helped with this wet weather,anyway I think rain or not tomorrow Iam going to a little market Town for a wander its only about 20 minutes drive from home so if we get to wet Its not far to travel home at all
Well I do have a few things on the go BUT... just cannot get anything flowing to finish them up lol!!
I have got all my contracts signed and sent to SNR for the 6 pieces of work they accepted for publishing 2 layout and 4 altered items,ohh which reminds me I have to remove some work from my Blog and Gallery at KT crafts geez I better move on this quick........... back later hopefully with Mojo in full swing......
Posted by rose at 16:58 4 comments
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Time goes so quick
This is my great niece ,just adore the photo of her,the paper is rouge de garange
MME transparency and Heidi Swapp bling and Lil Davis Flower This is my Niece and Great Niece together,the paper I used are k& Co and love this picture of them together. Iam a little worried over my niece at the moment she is havin a rough time due to give birth to her 2nd in 6 weeks but liver & kidney problems have set it,she has been told to have her bags packed ready The Docs want to try hold off for another 2 weeks,but it is looking very much like her body cannot take anymore,just praying all works out fine
One of my other nieces on our trip out to the lavendar fields and we hit the beech afterwards she did not know I had taken this picture due to using my 18 zoom lense,why she was carry to great boulders back I never did ask her!!
of course my DS when we went to YORKSHIRE lavendar on the blue bridge
DS again at yorkshire lavendar at the cricket match these things are massive and made from metal he seemed to enjoy taking the mick on this and a few others
Well I really have alot in the pipe line and in this old Head ideas wazzing around and just need some time and energy and effort to make a start or to complete what has started I just cannot believe just were this week has gone,really it will soon be back to school at this rate,its hot and sticky and good do with a good down pour to clear this humid air!!
for now...........
Posted by rose at 13:08 4 comments
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
That Big Hive
This is that Extra Large Beehive I told you about in the previous post
It has an Eco friendly roof planted with marjoram & thyme dont forget DOUBLE CLICK to make it go BIG and the think hanging down in the middle is busy bee`s home!
See told you it was big and guess what I was behind DS here lol!! oh yeah honey you just was going to get me any nearer to this!!!!!!!like NOT
This is my Son with cousin Racheal they went and ventured a little closer I used my zoom lense LOL!!
Well The sign to the left of the hive has a WARNING! saying our bees our busy at work and they dont mind you watching,so long as you dont annoy them by tapping the glass or they WILL REMEMBER YOU ,oh yeah that said enough we did not stop long around here. But with that been said they were working hard in the fields ,hundreds of them so it was a eco place to visit
just some of the lavender rows we walked around due to the high heat and bees and then we paid a visit to the shop and had a lavender scone, then we travelled onwards and headed for the coast and beech,just a few photos on the beach I was A little bothered about getting sand near my camera & lense so played safe with a few and put it away
Posted by rose at 17:33 4 comments
Monday, 28 July 2008
Wolds Way Lavendar Distillery & Herb Farm
The process involves passing steam through the harvested lavender in a still. The vapours then pass through a condenser with the liquid being collected. The oil floats on top of the water and is decanted off. It is then kept for six months before it is ready to be used.here are two large tanks that run the full length of the building. One used to draw air through the lavender to dry it. The other tank is piped to the two ponds. The water is circulated and used for through the condensor in the distilation process of the lavender.
fluttering from flower to flower
Talking of bees this farm has hives and has the Largest beehive in the world I will show you pictures later,umh now you did not get me in it! Paul was the only brave one to enter I did have a peep and what I saw made me back off big time oh hundreds of them behind glass,but I was not brave enough to venture any closer,nor my SOn or Niece,when i show you picture you will understnad why!
oh and since doing this post We have also been to Yorkshire Lavendar in the howardian hill so will post pictures + the BIG ,massive beehive later
enjoy your day.................
Posted by rose at 05:33 6 comments