Well I`m really still alive although missing, that dreaded virus came back and really got a good hold of me ,so much so that it laid me flat on my back in bed for a few days,I lost a few days with the fever and what ever else was going on, now on the mend but it has left me very tired and lathargic,so if you have any energy going spare send it my way. Oh I have so much to do,but suppose all the sicko`s will be out the way for christmas
This is a little project I was trying before I got sick, A tin,yes a tin opened from the wrong end to keep the ring pull action and then goodies been put in it and it been glued from the underside. I used my safety can opener,if you dont have one,maybe a neighbour has one you can borrow!! if you are stuck a good supplier like QVC UK, USA and germany has these. I did write the codes and prices down but have just mis-laid these so if you need them give me a shout.
I have not managed to put the label on this yet,because it would possibly lead to the person its heading out to.............
Well I think these next few weeks are going to fly by and really need to get motivated with what I need to do and then there is the dreaded shopping oh I hate grocery shopping............
take care....................