wonder how many year`s I will get away with this .................
Well my Thomas pacconi glass ornaments never made it out to the tree this year,just do not think he is old enough to appreciate them or keep un hooking them from the tree.......shame I really wanted my stuff out this year but they mean to much to me to be broken ah well maybe next year
so this year I just had to settle for some I bought in slivers and pastels blues.....
Wishing all my friend`s
all around the world
a wonderful time
and Happy Christmas
Some packages and cards will be late arriving at the destinations due to me been
ill,but they will get there maybe after christmas and inbetween the next shopping phase for new years eve
I just have a couple of stores to hit for some fresh stuff and I`m totally done
Then just the rush around relatives to drop there things off and home .
then wait on christmas Day to watching DS open his presents,which reminds
me I somehow have to climb in the loft to get some out eck..... Maybe my Darling
Niece will keep him entertained so I can manage it,she is staying over until christmas Eve.