Well first, I`m wishing all my friends and family all around the globe a Very Happy New Year and lets hope its a good one!
I do not know about you but I`m happy to see the last of 2008,it seems to have been a bad year for alot of my friends,been taken ill. Thinking of Glee especially whom I`m happy to say will soon be home if everything goes to plan and knowing Glee it will...........
To Liv , special hugs and prayers for you dear friend............
especially Beverley Todd`s family my heart goes out to you at this sad and tragic Time in your lives,Beverley will be know by lots of you who visit different boards ,very talented scrapper and card maker and Design team member who was taken ill on the 23rd of December with a Brain bleed and passed away on the 24Th December,she had just turned 40 this year and leaves a family youngest been only 4.She will be sadly missed..............
To the families whom have loved ones in the forces who are away,let hope they are home real soon,for those whom have been injured/killed in action " they are all our hero`s",
So I will just be having a nice Day with Dinner and a little bit of time for reflection on the year just gone,and hoping this New One whilst I know it will not be good with the economy been like it is,maybe its a good thing and bring families closer together and back to the good old days of home cooking and the baking days which we had when I was a kid all them years ago ,oh we had so much fun and the silly games we played. So long as you have a roof over your head and the rent/mortgage etc are paid,that's all that matter`s, and you have each other
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Happy New Year
Posted by rose at 06:13 5 comments
oh another surprise
oh yes what a great surprise to recieve this blogger award from a very dear blog friend Liv.
Wasn't this ever so nice of her? She's such a darling lady and through all this year she has had a really rough time with her DD been so ill,someday`s I do not know how she copes with it all ,but she does which reminds me of " it takes a special person to be a mother" and Liv is one special person indeed
Now, I must list 6 things that make me happy and six bloggers to make them happy!
1] watching my darling Son growing up,making me laugh at the silly little things he says and does .
2] to be up to my eyeballs in wonderful scrap supplies and especially lace and papers and vintage finds .
3] Just to be so thankful I`m on this earth and though I complain some days I have no reason to I have everything, all my limbs,my eyes and food on my plate everyday .
4] To have so many wonderful blog friends all around the world,all so very special to me.
5] ROFL!! for the internet, wow what would we do with out it.
6] To be thankful to Mum & Dad whom moulded me into the person I have become and brought me up so well, boy I miss my mum everyday but know she is watching over me and mine.
Now I need to send to ^ blogging friends so here goes
Posted by rose at 02:30 4 comments
Saturday, 27 December 2008
another one over!
Well another christmas over,Hope you all had a wonderful time with family,we just had a quiet one,but plenty of mess and toys to find new homes for this is DS with one of his many toys, trash team and wow does this make a noise he loves it. We did not do to bad he woke at 8.20 am, all excited noticed the key at the side of his bed, running around yelling he`s been, he`s been ,and then peeping downstairs yelling again and then he disappeared opening things,so funny and pretty cool he was more in tune with it this year. I spent a good few hours putting things together for him I hate doing this you spend all that money on things only to find it takes a good few hours assembling everything
Posted by rose at 13:38 4 comments
Monday, 22 December 2008
2 more sleeps until the big day
Posted by rose at 09:33 3 comments
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
oh sick of been sick!

Posted by rose at 14:15 13 comments