Well I have been blog slacking Iam pretty sure of it lol!!
I will get back in the swing of things shortly,I`am just finishing up
on the challenge from Vicki Christman so Iam pretty in front and
just needs some finishing touches,silly me really should have taken
a shot of the envelope from nebraska and so pleased no snakes or wasps
got sealed in that envelope !! it would totally have freaked me out lol!!
Today I must crack on with the never ending chores to finish and this stairs and landing need finishing just not managed to climb any ladders for last few days,phone ringing appointments been altered and changed then cancelled when you have been sat waiting annoying becuase uh it time out of my life with other things I could have done.
I have felt pretty crook last few days headache ,sore throat,might be the paint or just this good old english weather,no two days ever been the same,sat here now peering out the window looks like raining heading this way or a storm
laters my friends.......
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Posted by rose at 06:13 3 comments
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Oh decisons decisons
Just a simple ATC I have made ,whilst having a spare few minutes
Well the weather is been kind to us in the UK,nice and sunny and pretty warm
I recieved 2 packages from over the big pond today and one was a must have package
and the other well who else but my friend Vicki Chrisman and I had to open it straight away !! Its my pieces to the challenge Vicki is hosting over on her blog
see right column. Now Iam very,very happy with what I have to in my package to play with and have a few ideas running through my head on the way Iam going to be heading with this.I can only use cardstock,inks paints etc
+ items from the package,but so excited to be doing another one,just love this kind of thing gets your good old mojo working...........no peeps until
we are allowed to around 7 th July just thought I would start dangling the carrot lol!!!................
Posted by rose at 10:19 2 comments
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Happy Saturday
The first card is a birthday card for my Niece and 2BW1 stone again,this is using Hanglar& stanglar stamp and colouring with crayons I enjoyed doing it
The second is from the Cyber crop from last week Vicki`s challenge,you know them magnets we pick up from places to stick on your fridge ,then we purge and throw them away,well the challenge was to alter one,this was fun and Vicki always comes up with some get ideas
I used the crafty secrets pad and the Granny image was from the new Craft secrets journalling booklet,but blow the journalling could not help but use this image reminds me so much of my childhood and days spent baking and icing and eating that horrible mix from the spoon[liked it at the time!] Just think though with all the eggs raw in that mix and we spooned it into our little mouths oh.......... mind you we never hailed much
Posted by rose at 11:16 5 comments
Happy birthday TJ
Well I really should have done this sooner,Happy 5th Birthday Darling Son
This card was made using cherryarte paper and a few bits and bobs from my stash
Vicki`s challenege "throw me a curve" worked so well I could kill to birds with one stone the challenge and the birthday card for my son,it is loud and bright[for me anyway lol!] He liked it though. I cannot believe how fast the years have gone geez............
Posted by rose at 11:11 1 comments
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Well challenged

this is a layout of my niece,Iam so proud of her,she has just finished her last exam today and is going to college september,she has the brains to go far and is wanting to train to be a solicitor[attorney]
this was barb maufacturers challenge from KT crafts you could only use 3 manufact nothing else,so I used a lot of s/route bit of Fancy pants,american craft ribbon and flowers extracted from some fancy pants pp
Iam into extracting things at the moment,especially the heavier busier looking papers
bye 4 now.........
Posted by rose at 15:43 4 comments
Monday, 16 June 2008
Quick Note
Just a quick note to tell you Iam fine and just been a little busy over last few days,you see I finished the kitchen and decided I would move on to decorate the hall,stairs and landing[sucker for punishment] and in the middle of coats drying went on over to the cyber crop @ Kt crafts and had some fun,surprised myself with how many challenges I have done and a couple to finish up,lots of fun.............
Now you will notice everything has vanished from my sidebars,due to new blog been made for me by Trudy, Well I have these links to re build and upload again,so you will all be back shortly lol!!!........ must dash feed the crew and myself and hope to work on my blog shortly and show you some yummy things I got upto at the crop.............. bye 4 now...........
Posted by rose at 11:35 1 comments
Monday, 9 June 2008
Warm & Hot
Another very hot Day ,to hot for decorating I can tell you,just had a fight with
a window a roller blind and screw driver,cut everything drilled all the holes and
a silly clip had to be locked in place well what a job trying to hold both end and get this silly clip in the tinniest of spaces grghh don`t you just love designers of
household gear
Well you need to watch this space something is happening!!! any correct guesses
I will send a RAK anywhere in the world!!
Posted by rose at 12:16 5 comments
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Men Cards
The men Cards made over last day one is from my DS for his grandad that is the decoupage with the grandad sat in the chair. My birthday Card for my father is the shirt one,I was so un sure about the colour of this I used chatterbox papers and the lid was some plastic I had saved knowing one day it would come in from something I bought!! The ace of hearts card is ,the father`s day card ,this was some HOTP papers I had begging to be used up and the Cards I printed on some cardstock leather finish using the Prima Rue88 digital paper and I inked the edges and layered up on double sided tabs to give it a bit of depth....... So some card idea to share...........
Another miserable Day plenty of rain so humid,But I have plenty to do in the chore field,but wanting to re arrange some scrap stuff along the way and also wanting to play..........
until next time,enjoy your day...............don`t forget double click to enlarge for a better view of the pictures
Posted by rose at 08:34 7 comments
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Well horrible weather today,damp,overcast,but Iam not to bothered it has given
me a chance to get ahead for once in my life to make the cards I need for This
coming month,Father`s birthday card ,then it father`s Day, Nieces and things
like that. Iam doing the men cards first,seeing I did I sketch and it totally
threw me from the ideas for the girlie cards in my head,And I had these mens ideas
running around in my head,I have done two,but on the father`s Day now and wondering
matt and Layer,make it a pop up,picking paper up putting it down,getting another coffee and having a re take and now I have just logged on to answer my mail
Will load some pictures later
Posted by rose at 11:18 0 comments